hand holding ear mold

Hearing Aids

With hearing loss on the rise due to a number of factors, hearing aids are a commonly recommended solution to hearing difficulties. Hearing aids provide better access to daily environmental and speech sounds by adding volume to certain frequencies where there is hearing loss. Doing so provides access to speech and environmental sounds, which allows listening to be a more passive experience as opposed to actively trying to decipher what is going on. Having a hearing aid is beneficial to your overall health and longevity, by decreasing stress on the body and mind caused by constant straining to hear.

Hearing Aid Evaluations

At Carlyle Services, we work with all major hearing aid manufacturers to find the device that fits into your life most seamlessly. The audiologist will discuss options with you based on your hearing test and personal preferences. Each hearing aid journey starts with a trial period, so you have plenty of time to decide if the hearing aids you are trying will work well for you. There are many options out there, so if you decide the device you are trying isn’t working for you, it can be exchanged for another device or returned.

Hearing Aid Programming and Maintenance

Whether you purchased your hearing aid at Carlyle Services or not, we are happy to work with your current devices to maximize their benefit for you. During programming appointments, the audiologist can adjust the sound output of the hearing aid to best suit your current level of hearing and address concerns about sound quality. The audiologist can clean and repair hearing aids in-office, as well as send out your hearing aids to the manufacturer for service as needed.

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