What to Expect at a Hearing test

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A basic hearing test involves the following steps:

Physical Examination

The audiologist or hearing healthcare professional will begin by examining your ears to make sure that there are no physical issues, such as a blockage or an infection.


This test measures the movement of your eardrum in response to changes in air pressure to determine if there are any issues with your middle ear.

Speech Audiometry

This test measures your ability to hear and understand speech. You will listen to a series of words or sentences spoken at different volumes and repeat them back.

Pure-Tone Audiometry

This is the most common hearing test. You will be asked to wear headphones and listen to a series of tones at different volumes and frequencies. The audiologist will ask you to signal when you hear the tones by raising your hand or pressing a button.

schedule appointment
After the tests, the audiologist will analyze your results and discuss any hearing loss or other issues with you. Based on the severity and type of hearing loss, the audiologist may recommend treatment options.

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